DirtyPipe for Android - Root Exploit for Pixel 6


Dirty Pipe (CVE-2022-0847) temporary root PoC for Android. Currently, this exploit run on Pixel 6 only with security patch level 2022-02-05.

Don't use on other devices or other versions. It may damage your device.
Use it at your own risk, we are not responsible for any damage caused

How to use

  1.  Download binary from release page.
  2.  Setup adb (android platform tools).
  3.  Launch run.bat (For Windows) or run.sh (For Linux/Mac)
    • If you get 'adb' is not recognized ... errors, check to add adb to PATH.
  4. You now get temporary root shell by telnet 10847

How to build

1. Install Android NDK

2. Set PATH for aarch64-linux-android31-clang

export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID\_NDK/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86\_64/bin

3. Run make

$ make

How to build kernel module

  1. Download Pixel 6 kernel source. Link
  2. Put mymod directory on kernel/private/google-modules/
  3. Apply mymod/build-script-patch.patch to kernel/private/gs-google
  4. Run build script

# For the first build
$ LTO=thin ./build/build.sh
# For faster rebuild (skip full rebuild)
$ SKIP\_MRPROPER=1 SKIP\_DEFCONFIG=1 LTO=thin ./build/build.sh

Download DirtyPipe for Android